Brazilian butt lift surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic body contouring procedures on the market, helping women and men achieve a fuller, more desirable butt shape that cannot be achieved through diet and exercise alone. As with most surgical procedures, however, there are certain types of clothing and behaviors that should be avoided following a BBL procedure to minimize complications and promote a speedy recovery.
This includes wearing jeans, which can put pressure on the newly transferred fat cells and prevent them from connecting with a blood supply in the buttocks. As such, it’s important to follow your doctor’s recommendations about when you can wear jeans after bbl to ensure that your results are as beautiful and successful as possible.
In general, you can start wearing jeans in about six weeks after a BBL procedure, provided that the healing process is almost complete and that your jeans are not too tight. It’s worth noting, though, that this timeframe will vary from patient to patient, so be sure to discuss your recovery plan with your plastic surgeon for more specifics.
Additionally, it’s best to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for a few weeks after a BBL procedure, as this can also place pressure on the fat cells and cut off their blood supply. Instead, patients should use a pillow or towel when sitting down to take pressure off the area and help ensure that their buttocks are getting enough circulation to heal properly. when can i wear jeans after bbl